Sunday, January 16, 2011

Farewell my old friend

Today I sold our microwave on Craigslist.

I had several reasons for doing so;
1, the rent house we are heading to in Santa Fe has very, very little counter space. I am not honestly sure if the coffee pot and the drying rack for the dishes will fit on it. But as there is no dishwasher, the drying rack is a must!
2, I don't really use it all that much, and in recent research I've come to find that it changes the molecular consistency of your food. I'm trying to get further away from processing anything, and the microwave hinders that journey.
3, A few months back my husband had a dream that we needed to get rid of it. He told me, and I was reluctant. In fact I forgot about it completely until I told him I wanted to get rid of it!! Isn't lovely how God works?

So, yesterday I cleaned it up, took a couple of pictures of it and put it up for sale. In my new lifestyle I find that I am getting further and further removed from modern conveniences. First with cloth diapers, now giving up my microwave. I've been drinking tea most mornings instead of coffee, tea from my nifty stainless steel tea kettle like my great-grandmother used to have perpetually sitting on her stove.
So I have not used a microwave in 2 days, I thawed out my gluten free bread and heated it in the oven yesterday. Instead of gooey, it was more like fresh bread. Interesting? I thought so.
Instead of warming the leftovers from lunch in a big bowl, I simply heated them on the stove. Honestly, it didn't take any longer than the old way. It may have been shorter, and it was heated consistently.
So there it is! I will now heat leftovers in my oven or on the stove top. I will not bake potatoes in the micro anymore.
I will follow the direction of simplicity Papa seems to be pointing me toward. More of what He created, and less of the inventions of man to try and make our lives more convenient.
In a couple of weeks I'll be writing about the adventures of family laundry with a mini washer and no dryer. Clothes pins anyone?